Blac Chyna, now often known as Angela White, was emotional as her daughter Dream Kardashian celebrated her eighth birthday and made the choice to maneuver in along with her aunt, Khloe Kardashian. The lavish soccer-themed occasion, hosted by Khloe on November 10, featured a towering cake, custom-made jerseys for friends, and inflatable soccer balls, making a joyful ambiance for Dream and her pals. In heartfelt posts on social media, each Angela and grandmother Kris Jenner expressed their love and admiration for the birthday lady. Angela mirrored on their shut bond, calling Dream her “greatest good friend,” whereas Kris celebrated Dream’s vibrant character and creativity. The day not solely marked Dream’s birthday but in addition highlighted the robust household ties throughout the Kardashian-Jenner clan, promising new adventures as Dream embarks on her new residing association with Khloe.
Blac Chyna CRIES as daughter Dream Decides to maneuver in with Aunty Khloe Kardashian
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